Family Values

Yesterday (link) my guest writer wrote about family.  ”Family” is a very tough topic for many people these days.  Almost assuredly you know somebody that got divorced or somebodies parents that are divorced.  Obviously there is no simple answer to keeping a marriage together.  One thing that will forever stand out in my mind, is a picture of my entire family on my grandparents wall (and we have a HUGE family).  Above the picture it reads “All Because 2 People Fell In Love…“.  When I think about what would have happened if they would have gotten divorced during any of their hardships, I realize that picture never would have happened.


One thing that almost always brings tears to my eyes, is when I watch military homecoming videos.  My cousin has a boyfriend in the military and she watches them all of the time.  So I asked her to help me find a good one.  This one is a little long and it’s more of a compilation of homecomings but it’s awesome.


For those of you that are going through a tough time with your family or a family member, I encourage you to watch this.  I encourage you even more to sit down and watch this with them.  If you are in a fight with your mom, your dad, your wife, your husband, your child, whoever it is, take some time together and just watch this.  I can almost guarantee it will make you want to hug them and allow you to forget what you were fighting about for awhile :)


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