Angel Baby

My sister is an amazing person.  She is proof that people can change.  I don’t want to go into too much detail about her story because she does an awesome job of it herself.  I’m very grateful to have her as an older sibling and someone to look up to and I’m thankful that God has kept us close over the years.  So here is a glimpse into the life of my eldest sibling.
Angel Baby
Wow, so much to write. As I sat down thinking about what matters most in life and what I came away with that 8 years ago I knew exactly what God wanted from me.  For those that don’t know our story here it is:
Surprise, the pregnancy test said positive.  Wow, this was something totally unexpected by me.  I had just had my wisdom teeth pulled.  I thought i was extremely tired and sick feeling because of that.   Nope, I was pregnant.    It took me  a couple of days to tell my husband about it.  Maybe because I was scared/nervous about pregnancy and delivery.  Neither one of us had talked about having a baby yet.  When I finally told him I could see the shock in his face, than excitement.  Together, we went forward ready for this new addition to our family.  The pregnancy was great,   no  problems.  Tests all came back perfect.  I even had my amazing sister do an ultrasound on me.  All good.   To add to this life changing situation we decided to pack up and move to Texas.    All was going great until June 12, 2003.  Our life was turned upside down.  It had only been 2 weeks since we moved. I started having extremely horrible back pains.  Called the doctor and she told me to get off my feet and drink a lot of water and call if things did not go away .  The pain got worse and worse.  Called her again and she told me to get to the hospital and she would meet us there.  At this point I could not walk because of the pain.  Tears streaming down my face as we try to make it to the hospital as fast as we could.  They bring a wheel chair for me and the second I am in the hospital I feel something pop inside my belly—blood everywhere.  I am pretty sure my emotions went numb at that point.  Next thing I know I am waking up from an emergency c-section with my husband and doctor leaning over me.  The words I will never forget–Your baby didn’t make it.
Your baby didn’t make it.  Your baby didn’t make it. To this day I can still hear it.  In the moment, in this storm of life I had to do something with those words.  I had to make a choice.  Believe and trust in God or not.  I could not imagine myself walking away from God.  I did not want to live in misery and sadness all my life.  I knew by choosing God I was choosing life and love.  But how?  How do you trust a God that has allowed this to happen? How was I going to stay focused and not let the sadness and confusion overwhelm me?  The answer–trust, people, prayer, thanksgiving.
Over the remainder of the week I will be going into more detail about each of those four things.