Do You Need Prayer?

If you are still struggling with something, pray about it and really try to listen to God.  Believe me, when I was going through what I shared with you yesterday (here), I prayed all of the time but I never listened.  I was the one doing all the talking and never took the time to hear what He was trying to tell me.


Once I heard it, it then took me awhile to follow through with what he wanted me to do.  If you feel God is calling you to do something, don’t wait on it.  If I would have listened to God from the beginning, I never would have got myself into this mess.  God sees the bigger picture and you never know what he will have planned for you.


When being completely honest, sometimes all you can do is hope the other person will understand.  Maybe you aren’t ready to take that step yet and risk giving up the relationship you have with that person.  Maybe you aren’t sure how they will respond and are frightened by that.  Or maybe it’s just not the right time.


One of the reasons it took me so long to tell my parents was because it just wasn’t the right time.  Two of my sisters had just gotten engaged and we were going on a cruise and my reasoning for not telling anybody was that I didn’t want to ruin their fun.  This was one of the instances that I replay over and over.  I wish I would have told them all sooner and didn’t have that horrible feeling hanging over me for so long.


So I pray that you will take the time to listen to God.  If he has placed something on your heart, you need to do it immediately.  I didn’t and it’s something I regret to this day. If you truly aren’t ready to share with that person, try speaking to a pastor, a counselor, or as always, feel free to contact me.


James 5:16 ESV
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.